Noni, a fruit with extraordinary properties!
Fauna and Flora

Noni, a fruit with extraordinary properties!

Noni: a little-known but exceptional fruit

A Pacific island treasure

This week, Moana Voyages offers you to discover the Nono or Morinda citrifolia: a fruit unknown to the general public, but having numerous medical virtues
Cultivated since 2 500 years by Polynesians, the noni is a fruit which grows primarily in the South Pacific islands in the wild throughout the year. Â When the tree is mature, it can provide up to 8 kg of fruit in a month. We observe three stages of development, green, then yellow and finally white when the fruit is ripe. The none is a recognizable fruit with its peculiar odor, and bitter taste.

Noni, a fruit with extraordinary properties!

A natural health ally

The benefits of this fruit are reputed by numerous people in particular in the USA and, since recently, in Europe. Consumed as juice or pill, it is used as a dietary supplement. Many testimonies show that the noni consumers saw their health improve. Therefore, the increasingly recognized virtues of the noni, captivate researchers and scientists around the world…

The benefits of noni

Its many applications

The benefits of the noni:

  • Reduces hypertension.
  • Noni Helps regulate sleep and mood cycles.
  • Increases body energy.
  • Acting as an anti-inflammatory and an antihistaminic.
  • Reduces pain.
  • Has antibacterial properties that protect the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Prevent the growth of cancer cells.


Traditional uses around the world

The noni is recognized for its medical virtues in other tropical and subtropical regions Ripe Noniwhere he also grows.

In Malaysia, it is used to treat urinary problems, diabetes, flu, painful periods, and haemorrhages.
In the Caribbean islands, the noni is called “painkiller tree”. He used for sprain, fracture, temperature.
In the South-East Asia, the noni treats sore throat and dental problems.
In the Philippines, the noni is used as an intestinal purifying.


Pictures : © Tahiti Tourisme

Le noni, un fruit aux vertus extraordinaires !