Tahitian recipe, the banana poe

Tahitian recipe, the banana poe

For once, this week Moana Voyages offers a delicious recipe from our Polynesian islands, the banana poe, a kind of custard tart.
This recipe of Paumotu origin (from Tuamotu archipel) can be cooked with as papaya, guava or pumpkin as well.
You can serve poe for dessert but in French Polynesia, it is usually a side dish to accompany grilled fish for example.

Ingredients for 5:

– 53 Oz of over-ripe bananas
– 1 pod of Tahitian vanilla
– 3.5 Oz of caster sugar (brown sugar preferably)
– 250 ml of coconut milk (or more for the gourmand)
– Cassava starch

Ingredients for 5 :
Ingredients for 5 :

The recipe:

– Peel your bananas and cut them into rings. Place them in a saucepan and cover with water.
– With the tip of a knife, split the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Put vanilla pod and seeds in the saucepan and add the sugar.
– Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture becomes homogeneous and smooth.
– Let it cool.
– When the compote is at ambient temperature, incorporate cassava starch to one-third of flour for two-thirds of compote. Take care to well mix the all to avoid lumps.
– Pour into an oiled or buttered dish and bake 30 minutes at 320°F. For a perfectly cooked of your poe, the middle of your dish may have a beautiful brown color.
– Arrange each slice of poe on a plate and sprinkle coconut milk.

Enjoy friends !

The recipe :

Hints :

You can taste the poe hot or at ambient temperature.

The cassava starch can be replaced by tapioca flour or corn starch, but you won’t obtain the same taste.

If you don’t like the coconut milk, you can replace it with liquid fresh cream, but you won’t obtain the same taste too.