Riding in the heart of Tahiti, a sensational experience
Fenua experience

Riding in the heart of Tahiti, a sensational experience


Ever tried to ride a bike in the middle of nature? Did I hear a “yes”? If so, you know how pleasing it can be. As for the rest of you, well you missed something truly special. Anyway, today we're taking you for a slightly different ride, off the beaten path, in a vivid forest! We tested the e-bike tour in the valleys of Titaaviri and Vaipoo!

Fruit juice and off we go!


We start this excursion on a pleasant note, with a warm smile and a tropical fruit juice with a zest of fresh lemon,. Aboard our 4x4, we reach the town of Papearii and seize this opportunity to get to know our charming guide Teiki on the way. Whether it is on the land or over the sea, this guy knows how to hold his handlebars.

Regardless of the weather conditions, we are determined to keep going. After a few practical exercises and a reminder on how to use an e-bike, it’s about time to ride that bike !

Winsey et Tamara
Teiki et Heia

Meeting the elements

Our mini epic begins on a slippery, rocky ground. The gray clouds gather overhead, the atmosphere becomes slightly oppressive, but Teiki remains calm and composed like a Buddhist monk and finds the right words to make us feel reassured. He takes the opportunity to give us some wise advice on how to behave so that we don't end up like a muddy ball in a ravine.

The soothing words of our guide and the comforting drizzle at the entrance to the forest finally appease us. You may have never heard about it but, according to Polynesian culture, fine rain, called "toriri", is said to be a divine blessing, an good omen.

vallée de papearii

Moana Voyages in wonderland


As we go deeper into the valley, the scenery becomes enchanting. The Titaaviri valley sparkles through the raindrops. The surrounding freshness and the wind in our hair give us a real sense of freedom, and every little descent brings its touch of adrenaline.

After a few refreshing river crossings, the icing on the cake: at the bottom of the valley, dozens of waterfalls cascade down from the mountains on either side. Teiki himself admits he has never seen so many...

Just like marae, the dams happen to convey this sort of powerful inner energy. Astounded by the beauty of the landscapes, we could not have imagined witnessing such a spectacle. We are literally surrounded by waterfalls, some even come to caress our path.

Tu sum it up, if you searching for a nice adventurous tour, to live in the present moment and appreciate everything that surrounds you, this e-bike ride is the right option. Associated with magnificent wild landscapes, your outing can quickly turn into a fabulous journey! If the opportunity ever comes, we unanimously invite you to come and ride in the heart of Tahiti...
