Moana Voyages - Nanihi


Assistant Director

In a few words

Born in Tahiti, I also lived, studied and worked in other countries such as New Zealand, Chile and Spain. Along with my studies, I’ve had the chance to experience a variety of professional experiences over the last years; in a luxury hotel in Bora Bora, in a winery in Santiago or in the creation of a startup incubator in Barcelona. These many changes of environment have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures, allowing me to interact effectively with a sense of ease. After several years overseas, I returned to French Polynesia to live in a completely new way my passion for travelling, foreign languages and for encounters without borders. Indeed, the travel industry is a lively sector I have always been attracted to. Ocean lover, I spend a good part of my free time free diving or on my paddleboard..

Your ideal stay in French Polynesia?

2 days in Tahiti to discover the capital of French Polynesia. 4 days in Moorea to enjoy its soothing landscape. 3 days in Tetiaroa to see at least once this mythical island. 4 days in Fakarava to explore its amazing underwater life.

Your favorite place in French Polynesia?

Ahe is a very special island for me. This small atoll in the Tuamotus, which shares the surreal beauty of the other islands of the archipelago, holds a special place in my heart as I spent some unforgettable moments there with my entire family during my childhood.

Your favorite restaurant?

Although there is a large number of places that I have yet to discover (to my delight!), The Mayflower in Moorea remains my favorite one so far. The restaurant’s simple and yet sophisticated touch, the subdued lighting atmosphere in the evening, the talent of its chefs … there is so much to enjoy, feet in the sand, at the Mayflower.