Moana Voyages - Aravihi


Planning Coordinator

In a few words

Originate from Tahiti, I spent most of my cursus here, on my native island. When I was a little girl, I used to go to Huahine during the vacations, as my aunt owned a guesthouse over there and I guess this is how I ended up in the tourism industry… Proud of my culture and of the beauty of our landscapes, I have always had in mind that I wanted to share my world with others, I secretly knew i would help them seek happiness in my fenua. As I just finished my studies, it is with great pleasure that I start my career within Moana Voyages.

Your ideal stay in French Polynesia?

3 days in Tahiti. Give yourself one day to recover from jet lag and appreciate the rest of your stay at best. On the second day, rise and shine ! It is time to explore every part of the island not to miss any of its touristic sites, diversity of landscapes and impetuous nature. Spend the rest of the afternoon in the capital city of Papeete, visit its famous market and give a try at the famous food trucks of Vaiete. 4 days in Moorea. Well, the sister island as we like to call it proposes quite a few options to anyone willing to visit it… Do not miss the sharks and rays spot as you ride your jet ski, go up the belvedere and cross the pineapple field with your ATV… what a great adventure! 3 days in Huahine, also called “the authentic”. over the years, it succeeded in keeping everything of its charm, wildness ans mystical side… it is my favorite place on earth: take a lunch on a private motu and get to know the locals’ lifestyle for real. 3 days in Bora Bora where the overwater experience exceeds your expectations… If there is an island where it feels utterly perfect to make up with your feet in the sand and to catch sunset from your own terrace, that’s the one ! From your deck, you have plenty of wonders to observe: a crystal-clear lagoon, the sun beaming on the ocean, a starry sky… 2 days in Tikehau to achieve this unforgettable stay on an atoll and live the most genuine experience of all…

Your favorite place in French Polynesia?

Any motu, as long as I find myself on a wonderful white sand beach, by the lagoon. Is there anything better on earth that the simplicity of our islands?

Your favorite restaurant?

I would choose the “Noix de Coco” food truck, located in the city of Punaauia. I highky recommend the local raw fish made by Teva or perhaps the duck magret with its delicious gratin dauphinois…